Attributes at birth | Juwon Ogungbe

Juwon Ogungbe
1 min readSep 19, 2020

A fellow singer revealed to me that she had been adopted as a child. She only got to meet her birth parents in adult life. In their first reunion encounter, my colleague was amazed at how similar her dress sense was to that of her birth mother.

A parent may have an interest in clothes and dressing up. An offspring appears to be inclined towards doing the same thing, with a personal spin. Tastes are also passed on, regarding pastimes.

An uncle told me many of my forebears were musicians. I was taken by surprise, as no one had spoken about this recurring pattern as I grew up.

Is it possible that clans or even larger groups of people also carry the imprints of the collective unconsciousness?

If they do, it would be interesting to find out how to modify these patterns of behaviour, if this is required.

Originally published at on September 19, 2020.

